
匿名用户    2015-07-24 10:14    


five little ducks five little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said "quack, quack, quack, quack." but only four little ducks came back. four little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said "quack, quack, quack, quack." but only three little ducks came back. three little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said "quack, quack, quack, quack." but only two little ducks came back. two little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said "quack, quack, quack, quack." but only one little duck came back. one little duck went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said "quack, quack, quack, quack." but none of the five little ducks came back. mother duck went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said "quack, quack, quack." and all of the five little ducks came back This old man this old man, he played one, he played knick-knack on my jumb with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played two, he played knick-knack on my shoe; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played three, he played knick-knack on my tree; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played four, he played knick-knack on my door; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played five, he played knick-knack on my hive; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played six, he played knick-knack on my sticks; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played seven, he played knick-knack up to heaven; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. this old man, he played eight, he played knick-knack on my plate; with a knick-knack paddywhack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home

匿名用户   2015-07-24 10:16




匿名用户    2015-07-24 10:19


匿名用户    2015-07-24 10:15


匿名用户    2015-07-24 10:14