
匿名用户    2011-03-13 11:58    


when l was a child,l want to be a teacher in the future,l think if l am a teacher,l will play with the children,l like children and l like playing with children,too。l think if l can play with children,l will get younger,Be a teacher is my dream ,l hope l will be a teacher,l can take good care of the children,please believe me。 当破愚我是一个孩子时,我就想将来能成为一名老师,我想如果我是一名老师,我将可以裕梅和孩子们一起玩,我喜欢孩子并且也喜欢和孩子们一起玩,我认为如果我可以和孩子们一起玩,我将变得更年轻,成为老师一直是我的梦想,我北剑典希望我将成为一名老师,我会很好的照顾孩子们,请相信我。 我是一名中学生,很高兴能为你解决问题,愿你面试成功。

匿名用户   2011-03-18 20:25