英语儿歌wanderer 歌词

匿名用户    2007-10-12 08:29    


wanderer 歌手:ensiferum 专辑:指震舞victory songs In time bleeding wounds will heal Unlike some which are too deep to see Like scars in the Nomads soul Their mending is so slow Not a shout of a hundred enemies Ensiferum Can make him feel fear inside him But when sunsets and the cold arrives With crushing solitude in the darkness of night He will ride across land and time To find a way through this endless night There s a storm in his heart But the wanderers part is to ride alone With bare hands he has taken many lives He has had a hundred women by his side From enchanted woods to the freezing North He is known at every sea and far beyond As the moon grows and the circle is complete He lies down and waits for sleep But there's always a scenery in his mind. Of all that beauty he once left behind 不太清楚是不是这首兔相,因为我竞纺现在没有耳机听.

匿名用户   2007-10-12 08:41



还不确定你是否也喜欢气球 路边常常在发的那种 我和你约好 养只黏人的小猫 温柔的狗狗 和一只大的 如果受了伤就喊一声痛 真的说出来就不会太难过 不去想自由 反而更轻松 愿意感动孤独单不忐忑 生活生活会快乐也会寂寞 生活生活明天我们好好的过 张悬-儿歌 还不确定你是否也喜欢气球 反正又还没听...你说过 我们都觉得 成功没那么严重 做自己反而比较心安理得 如果受了伤就喊一声痛 真的说出来就不会太难过 不去想自由 反而更轻松 愿意感动就是种享受 生活生活会快乐也会寂寞 生活生活明天我们好好的过 生活生活会快乐也会寂寞 生活生活明天我们好好的过 歌曲:醒目仔 歌手:儿歌 专辑:儿歌 • 搜索 "醒目仔"mp3 打印预览 我要造个乖乖样样识得快 学做?点?我就 明完全做掂晒 醒目仔真精乖完全冇学坏 做好孩子先生赞我个心轻松晒 我要做个好小孩日日都精乖 学计数歌唱与弹琴篮球样样快 醒目仔天真真乖完全有自大

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匿名用户    2007-10-12 08:32