
匿名用户    2016-08-14 15:59    


There are many differences between Chinese and American students‘务刺编 learning ways. I roughly said a few here. First, in order to graduate from college, American students begin to study hard after entering the college. On the contrary, Chinese students must study so hard that they can enter the college and no longer study hard after entering the college. Second, in class, Amerecan students who knows nothing but pretend to know like to ask the teacher questions, while Chinese students are used to pretend to know and do not ask. Third, American students often do not have a mathematical mind, they have to rely on electronic calculator for a long time. Chinese students are all mathematical geniuses, their oral and mental arithmetics are both in the first-class level. 楼柿刺主可以借鉴借鉴!稼乔

匿名用户   2016-08-15 11:21