
匿名用户    2008-12-03 11:15    


Do we need "Nerve give up" "Nerve giving up" is considered a positive life style and it is a decisive factor for personal success.As we all know,people have to encounter a multitude of problems in their life.People won't finish anything that they just give problems up.Besides,it will extremely disturb people's moon and they may have low confidence to face difficulties. However,some people have opposed idea and they say giving up properly is advisable.There are two reasons as follows.The main reason is people can't solve anything when they encounter emergencies or incidents.Another reason is people may avoid some problems to get better result sometime. Regarding this issue,I think you can decide whether giving up by how many costs you have to pay.If the costs lead to destruct you original target,you should give up.If you have abundant capability and energy,I suggest you sticking to the end.

匿名用户   2008-12-03 12:36



如果他喜欢英语就让他学些内容比较深的 我小学二年级就直接学老教材的内容了 不过最好先让他从基本字母和国际音标学起 然后再学新概念

匿名用户    2008-12-03 14:14


匿名用户    2008-12-03 12:48


匿名用户    2008-12-03 11:17