
我是王洋,我准备和英国男孩ben成为笔友,40-60词的英语短信 ,短信要求包括以下内容1,今年17岁 2.来自中国浙江3.阳光职业中学学生4.擅长英语5.业余爱好,唱英文歌,听音乐,看书,游泳
匿名用户    2015-11-19 14:09    


Hello Ben, It's would be very grateful if I could make you as my penpal. I'd like to introduce myself in the first place. My name is Wang Yang. I am 17 years old and live in Zhejiang Province of China. I study in the Sunny Vocational High School. My hobies are singing English songs, listening to mucics, reading and swimming. I like English very much and hope to improve it with your help. I am looking foreward to hearing from you. Best regards, Wang Yang

招韦茹_Bbdg   2015-11-19 20:12