英文高手 帮忙翻译一个儿歌
Before eating, no speaking, pleasing waiting, while the teacher's preparing. Teacher, teacher, take your time, we are silent by your side. Chew it carefully, and swallow slowly. Only in this way can we be healthy~ 有时候用的词比较简单,为了让孩子们比较容易锈辉懂……比如吃饭其实应该用HAVE MEAL 但峡称是让孩子理解太困难了,就用了EAT。崇脂丛。。
奥运童谣 二零零八年,北京真是美。 各国小朋友,北京来相会。 飘起奥运旗,戴起奥运徽。 绿色奥运好,口号提的美。 更快又更高,更强又更美。 大家齐努力,金牌乖乖回。 迎接奥运忙 (学生) 钱雨莹 古老北京城呀, 一天一个样。 高楼拔地起呀, 道路宽又长。 河水清又清呀, ...
Before eating meal, does not speak, peaceful sits down, asks teacher to hit the food, teacher teacher has been laborious, we sit very speak, pecks thi...
we are going to eat, let's be quiet and sit. Teacher is bring us food. Teacher is the nicest. Lets enjoy and no speak, chew it up then swallow it. Thi...
哈哈,很有意思趣的命题,试着翻译下。。。 Before we eat, we shall sit, keeping quiet with no speech; Teacher will come, teacher will serve, Thank you teacher for your ca...