
匿名用户    2015-11-20 17:11    


片尾曲歌名:《Floating down the stream》 加拿件祸大音乐人Alfredo Santa Ana为电影特别创作 歌词: Close your eyes, rest your head 闭上眼睛 休息头脑 You're falling deeper 你正越深陷落 Watched the shore getting small 看着岸渐变小 As we both sail away 我们扬帆远行 Feel the breeze on your face 感觉脸上微风 As we're getting farther 当我们越行 越远 Hears the waves as they crash 听水花拍打破碎 And we both sail away sail away 我和你渐远 渐行 Floating floating down the stream 漂啊漂 沿着水流溪 Angels take us to a dream 天使带我们入梦险坊境 Whispers of a secret dream 隐秘的梦里有呓语 Far beneath the soul 藏于灵魂底 Here's the dock up ahead 正前方 就是码头 Waters much much calmer 水域平静了许多 Wave to the golden rays 跟金色光线挥手 Let us both make a way 让我们开启入口 Take my hand, come along 牵我的手 跟我来 We're here, my charmer 我们到了 我的伴儿 Near the rainbow's end 就在靠近彩虹的尽头 Let us both make a way, make a way 让我们将入口开启 开启 Floating floating fast asleep 漂啊漂 快睡去 Gliding down a river deep 轻盈滑入河床底 Two drops on the leaves of spring 春天新叶两水滴 Falling to the soil 坠扬命径入尘土里 Floating floating down the stream 漂啊漂 沿着水流溪 Angels take us to a dream 天使带我们入梦境 Whispers of a secret dream 隐秘的梦里有呓语 Far beneath the soul 藏于灵魂底

匿名用户   2015-11-20 17:35




匿名用户    2015-11-20 20:19


匿名用户    2015-11-20 20:17