英语儿歌Look at my family photo的歌词
匿名用户 2011-04-04 11:12
Look at my family photo! Husband and wife! Father and mother! Look at my family photo!Daughter and son! Sister and brother! Is she your mother? Yes, she is! Is he your father? Yes, he is! He’s her husband! She’s his wife! These are the people in my life! Look at my family photo! Uncle and aunt and cousins, too! Look at my family photo!Grandma and grandpa! That’s me! That’s you! Is he your uncle? Yes he is! Is she your aunt? Yes, she is! He’s my father’s brother! She’ his wife! These are the people in my life!
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTIwODA0Mjky.html 这里有