I know the letter a says A and a,
I know the letter b says bbb,
I know the letter c says kkk, I know my alphabet,
I know the letter d says ddd,
I know... the letter e says E and e,
I know the letter f says fff,I know my alphabet,
I know the letter g says ggg,
I know the letter h says hhh,
I know the letter i says I and i, I love my alphabet,
I know the letter j says jjj,
I know the letter k says kkk,
I know the letter l says lll, I know my alphabet, you bet.
I know the letter m says mmm,
I know the letter n says nnn,
I know the letter o says O and o, I know my alphabet.
I know the letter p says ppp,
I know the letter q says kw kw kw,
I know the letter r says rrr, I know my alphabet.
I know the letter s says sss,
I know the letter t says ttt,
I know the letter u says U and u, I love my alphabet,
I know the letter v says vvv,
I know the letter w says www,
I know the letter x says ks ks ks, I know my alphabet.
I know the letter y says yyy,
I know the letter z says zzz,
I know the sound
each letter makes a to z, I know my alphabet.
No sweat!
:O pretty easy to find lol