儿歌just for you

求儿歌just for you的网址要着首歌的网址 不是一个网站里有着首的的网址 要详细的 没有省略号 谢谢 我把所有的悬赏分给回答者!
匿名用户    2007-02-15 10:54    


Just for you I picked the reddest apple from the tree It was the finest one that I could see I saved it all except a bite or two , just for you I carried home the groceries from the store I wanted to be helpful with a chore I put them all away except a few , just for you Someday I’ll be grown up too And if I can I’ll grow up just like you I ate up all my lunch just like you said But I think there was a little too much bread And so I left the crust when I was through , just for you Someday I’ll be grown up too And if I can I’ll grow up just like you Just one more thing before I go to bed And everything I have to say is said There’s something special that I want to do Here’s a kiss , just for you 出自辉次《迪士尼英缠厉语儿歌》第三集第十挎乐安三首。 http://www.0574bbs.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=14&ID=185047

匿名用户   2007-02-15 11:00



http://www.jswl.cn/course/czwyjx/AV/disney/just-for-you.rm 可爱童声

匿名用户    2007-02-15 11:27


匿名用户    2007-02-15 10:58