
孩子生命垂危,欲求助国外医生。上午我在百度提问,热心网友给出翻译,先将两位网友的翻译贴上,请英语较好的朋友帮我看看哪一段翻译得更好,因为涉及孩子的病情,不敢马虎,先谢谢大家了!或者可以参考已有的翻译,帮忙修改一下,感激不尽!在线等,分数不是问题。 这是网友萧子轩的翻译: Help!My baby was born on May 27th,weighed 4550g,and was diagnosed a giant baby,routine blood test shew the blood-sugar level was 1.2mmol/L,no sympton of cyanosis and vellication,was sent to Maternal and Child Health Hospital immediately.Three days after born,during the period in hospital,insulin-level was at 31,transfusing syrup was the main treatment,hormone as addition,no good result,sugar-level decrease sometimes,the lowest was 1.7.June 19th,the baby was transfered to Shanghai Children's Hospital,syrup remained,sugar-lecel went steady in a week,during which period sugar-speed dropped.Sugar taken by mouth was added,when the sugar-speed in veins was dropped at 9mg/min/kg,blood-sugar level dropped.Sugar-speed up,then blood-sugar went up.Serum insulin was test 2 times in hospital,one is 8.1 when blood-sugar was 1.9,the other is 13.6 when the blood-sugar was 1,7.The doctor said there's possibility of pancrea swell or small cell tumor,it is recommended oral Diazoxide treatment,beginned on July 9,20mg three times a day, sugar-speed dropped from 9mg/min/kg down to 6mg / min / kg during the period that glucose can be maintained at 3-4mmol / L, but could not be cut down more. Add diazoxide dose to 30mg ( Baby weighed 6.38kg),blood-sugar cannot be steady, sugar-speed could only be maintained at 6mg/min/kg. Doctors recommended surgery, but now her baby has got the PICC, MRI examination has not done yet, if the check still can not find out where the pathological changes lies, part of the pancreas can only be cut.removal of 90% -95% of the pancreas, is this not too blind? 另一位网友eyeshadow1225的翻译,因为字数有限制,所以我传了截图。请大家比较一下,修改一下!谢谢你们对孩子的付出!
匿名用户    2010-07-25 17:34    


您好!!我看错了,,以为你要翻译城中文,,要不你看一遍中文,,我自泳用浅己翻译的,如果意思差不离,看来上面那位前辈翻得是对的!!不好意思,一着急看错了。有什么帮助尽量联系我,或发信过来。孩子最要紧。希望她能好。 求助:我宝宝5月27日出生,重4.55公斤,并且被诊断出是巨婴,血常规检查报告显示血糖1.21毫摩尔每升(1毫摩尔每升(mmol/L)在中国通用单位=18毫克每分升(mg/dL国际单位)没有黄萎病和抽筋的症状,并且被抓菠立即送到了妇幼保健医院。 出生三天后,住院期间血清胰岛素水平31,输糖是主要的治疗手法,激素是辅助治疗,没有多大起色,血糖水平有时最低降到1.7,于是6月19日转院至上海儿童医院,于是一周内血糖得到了控制并趋于稳定,当静脉注射速率降到在9毫克每分每千克时候,血糖就会随之下降,反眠吴之则升高。 医院做过二次血清胰岛素测试,一次8.1血糖是1.9,,另外一次是13.6血糖1.7.医生说有可能小孩会胰腺肿胀或者小细胞瘤,推荐口服氯甲苯噻嗪参与治疗,七月九号开始,20mg一次,一天三次,这期间糖注射速率从9毫克每分每千克到 6毫克,葡萄糖维持在3-4毫摩尔每升,但不能再降低了。 吧氯甲苯噻嗪剂量加到30mg,(孩子体重达到6.38公斤)血糖很不稳定,只能维持在6mg每分每千克。医生建议手术,但现在孩子已装上外周静脉置入中心静脉导管,核磁共振还没有做,如果检查不出病灶的变化所在,要切除部分胰脏,切掉90%-95%,这是不是太冒险了?

匿名用户   2010-07-25 22:43



萧子轩的更可靠点 同意更重要的是数据,不知现状如何了=。=

匿名用户    2010-08-07 17:22

my baby, born on the 27th of May,weighing 4.55kg at birth, and was diagnosed as a giant baby. Glucose level in his blood is 1.2 mmol/L, with no signs ...of cyanosis nor clonuses, and was hospitalized immediately in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital. for the following 3 days, his insulin level in blood serum was 31. So hormone accompanying IV dextrose treatment was used, but proven ineffective, with glucose droped till as low as 1.7. he was transfered to the Shanghai Children's Hospital on June 19th, which his glucose level was undercontrol and went stabilized within a week. during which the optimal result acheived with dextrose IV flow of 9mg/min/kg. the 2 followed up test shown serume insulin level at 8.1 with glucose level of 1.9, and insulin at 13.6 with glucose fo 1.7, respectively. doctor suggested this is a possibility case of pancreas swelling or Small cell carcinoma, and join treatment with 20mg Diazoxide,3times a day. after the joining treament commenced, IV flow of dextrose reduced to 6mg/min/kg, with solution corncerntration constant at 3-4mmol/L. the child now weights 6.38 kg, and when Diazoxide increased to 30mg, glucose level became unstable. the child is now hooked up with Peripherally inserted central catheter. even thou MRI results are yet to know, the doctor recommend to remove 90-95% of his pancreas, if further examination still can't diagnose where the exact problem lies. Do you think this is too risky? ps:那两位翻的有些地方喵不理解,又参考了8L 天蝎女的译文,觉得很难修改,要不你再发一份原文?

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匿名用户    2010-08-03 10:50

下面的好 祝孩子健康

匿名用户    2010-07-29 22:16


匿名用户    2010-07-29 10:52