
匿名用户    2013-07-04 10:51    



大家好,我是某某老师。作为一名幼教工作者,我已经在某某幼儿园工作十余年,对于带小年龄班的幼儿,有很多自己的经验。在今后的一年里将和孩子们共同生活。爱他们,尊重他们,像妈妈一样地照顾他们。在今后的一年里,我将和小二班全体老师,真诚的为家长们服务,希望在家长的配合下,共同照顾我们的孩子。 xxx 200...5年毕业于中华女子学院,在某某幼儿园工作四年。 四年来,我从孩子们身上获得了许多快乐,也伴随着孩子们的成长,让自己逐渐成熟起来。工作中,我喜欢和孩子们一起游戏,细心的照顾班里的每一名幼儿。特别喜欢小班幼儿,吸魂他们天真无邪的笑脸与想法,仿佛让自己也回到了童年。 和孩子们在一起,有时候很辛苦,但更多的还是快乐!期待某某班所有的宝宝们快快加入进来!xxx 我在某某幼儿园已经工作了二十多年,这里就像是一个大家庭,孩子们健康快乐的成长,老师们互相关心、帮助,形成了北幼和谐的教育氛围。很高兴能在今后的一年中,和您一起陪伴我们可爱的孩子度过幼儿园小班快乐的时光。工作中,我会尽最大的努力照顾好孩子们的一日生活,也希望能得到您的支持与理解!xxx 2007年毕业于首都师范大学学前教育专业,在某某幼儿园工作两年。 作为一名纲参加工作不久的年轻教师,我热爱我的工作,更爱这里的孩子们!工作中,我会不断把在学校里学到的理论知识运用到教学实践中,积极学习和借鉴好的教育教学方法,促进孩子们健康、快乐的成长。希望在今后的一年中,能够跟家长们有良好的沟通与合作,让我们一起加油,为孩子们的美好明天努力吧!:)xx 我来自首都示范大学学前教育专业,在大学四年的专业学习中,学前教育的理念已深入到我的心中,让我对学前教育有了比较深刻的认识与了解。在新学期即将到来之际,我对自己充满信心,相信自己会以饱满的热情投入到新学期的工作中去,让爱心感染幼儿,以诚信感动幼儿,让幼儿快乐的在北海幼儿园度过珍贵的每一天。一切为了孩子,为了孩子的一切,作为一位幼儿园教师,我会付出我所能付出的一切,认真照顾与培养每一位幼儿,相信在人生的起跑线上,我们的孩子会是最耀眼的那可明星! 英文是 Hello everybody, I am certain teacher. As a preschool worker, I have more than ten years of work in such and such a nursery for young children with a small age classes, there are a lot of their experience. In the coming year and the kids will be living together. Love them, respect them, like my mother take care of them. In the coming year, I will double shift all the teachers and the small and sincere service for parents who hope that the cooperation of the parents together to take care of our children. xxx Chinese woman in 2005 graduated from the College, in certain nursery for four years. Four years, I have a lot of kids who get pleasure, but also accompanied by the growth of children so that they are gradually mature. Work, I like to play with the children, attentive care of a child care for each class. Particularly fond of small children, they suck the soul of the innocent smiles and thoughts, as if to himself back to childhood. With children, sometimes very hard, but more is still happy! Look forward to certain classes of all babies just join in! xxx I have been working in certain nursery twenty years, like a big family here, the children grow up healthy and happy, the teachers care about each other, helping to form the North Young harmonious educational atmosphere. Very pleased the next year, and accompany you to our lovely children through kindergartens small happy moments. Work, I will do my best to-day care of the children live, and hope to have your support and understanding! xxx He graduated from Capital Normal University in 2007 pre-professional, in certain nursery for two years. As a key link to work near the young teacher, I love my work, but also love the children! Work, I will continue to learn in school teaching the theory of knowledge to practice, learn from good education and active teaching methods that promote healthy children, and happiness. Hope in the coming year, with parents able to have good communication and cooperation, let us cheer for the children a better tomorrow it up!:) xx I am from the capital, University of pre-professional model, in the university four years of professional study, the concept of pre-school education has been deep into my heart, let me have a deeper understanding of pre-school education and understanding. In the dawn of the new semester, I have confidence, believe that they will, with enthusiasm into the new semester's work, let love infected infants, young children moved in good faith, so that children in the North Sea Nursery happy to spend precious every day. Everything for children, for all children as a kindergarten teacher, I will give my best to give all that seriously to take care of every child care and training, I believe the starting line in life, our children that will be the most dazzling may be star! 记得采纳哦

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匿名用户    2013-07-04 11:59