
匿名用户    2016-08-29 15:55    


fake wings shine, bright morning light now in the air the spring is coming sweet blowing wind singing down the hills and valleys keep your eyes on me now we're on the edge of hell dear my love, sweet morning light wait for me, you've gone much farther, too far 中团则文意思 光,带来了早晨的明亮, 空气预示着春天的来临狼浅厘。 歌唱,风在叹惠吹动, 歌声在山谷中流淌。 听闻你的到来, 你将结束我们的烦恼。 亲爱的我的爱, 甜蜜的曙光, 等等我,你已经走的太远,太远。 还望采纳!

匿名用户   2016-08-29 20:17