英语作文《孩子做家务的利与弊》,要带翻译 70词左右

匿名用户    2015-04-02 22:55    


A rising proportion of parents pay their children to do chores around the house nowadays. For example, some parents will give their kids allowances if they clean the room, do laundry, set the table, or prepare simple food for the family. People differ on whether parents should pay their kids for doing housework. Supporters say tying kids’ allowances to housework is a good way to teach kids accountability and responsibility. It also helps children learn about money and how it works. But critics of this approach say children should do routine housework for free. The reason is simple: chores are part of a family, and everyone does chores. Personally, I don’t think parents should adopt the pay-for-work view. Paying kids to help out sends the wrong massage: they are entitled to freely have everything parents provide for them while the contributions they make to the family have to be paid for. It risks creating teenagers who would worship money and who are likely to drive a hard bargain just to take out the garbage.

敛水荷_VPcG   2015-04-02 23:06



some people think studendts need not do any housework.they think the only thing students need do is to study well.i dont think so.it is good for stude...nts to do some housework for three reason. firstly,to do some housework can make you independent.you cant depend on others all your life.so,you should learn to do some housework now. secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. finally,to do some housework can share your parents work .they must be happy if you say have a rest ,and i will do the housework

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匿名用户    2015-04-02 23:28