
匿名用户    2015-03-29 13:17    


Speaking of Changzhou could not help but want to take you to a place. That is, Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park。Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park is the happy home of the dinosaurs, here is the fashion to stimulate the theme park. Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park Lilubula, hip-hop dinosaurs City, return to the Jurassic ...... brilliant of the six subject areas; crazy flames drilling, Thunder Dragon roller coaster, Mystery hurricane Stonehenge, through the Jurassic, Rush Courier dance dinosaur car, baby round and round ...... theme park project detonation limit storm; Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park rich dinosaur knowledge;, exciting performances to create a visual dream trip! This is known as the Oriental Jurassic Park "reputation of the China Dinosaur Park.

杭怡璐_yRO6   2015-04-03 16:06