
匿名用户    2016-07-29 13:30    


The hedgehog girl Amy. 1. despicable Peck Mr. When Amy rushed into the house, her mother is in the kitchen. "How was school?"Harris,Wife ask Amy, hope Amy answered "as usual Good". "Great" cried Amy. "One woman told the class about wild animals, and showed us A hedgehog. I want to become a hedgehog expert". "A what?"Harris,Wife asked. "A hedgehog experts, a man know everything about the hedgehog". "That's good."Harris,Wife says,"You should go to the library to see can find relevant books". "Oh, no," Amy's complained:"Then I have to go see Peck Sir!". Peck Mr Is the children's librarian. He is a mean and despicable people. He often live In Amy's room next door. When Amy arrived at the library, the library almost no one. Amy's along the shelf look, try to find it。 A book on hedgehogs. "What are you doing?" A harsh voice from behind Amy. Amy's almost jump out of her own socks scare (describe). "I'm looking for a book about animals" "Animals, really? Doubt and irony ()",Peck Display. "What kind is it Animals? Domesticated animals? Wild animals? From which animal? Africa? India? The UK? " "It's a hedgehog", Amy said. "Hedgehog!"Peck Mr Shouted, "The worst animals, They dug up the vegetables, And bit off a large piece of" . Peck Mr Took out a book from the bookshelf and say: "If you must study the horrible things Words, this is the best I can do for you". "Thank you!"Answered Amy's polite. "Remember to return the book on time. Don't you afraid of hedgehogs into your garden? Don't forget, your garden 。Step to my garden. If I see a hedgehog is close to my carrots, how did you know I will Yao do? " "I don't know", Amy said. "I will use my spray gun!" Back home, Amy. Read the book about the hedgehog. She found a hedgehog will eat slugs and snails, but The book did not mention to eat vegetables. The next day she return the book to the library. "What is this?" Peck Mr Q,"And this book 20 Genius is due!" "But I've already finished reading! "Said Amy. "There are more books about the hedgehog?" "Over there!" Peck Mr Harsh voice answered, and nose pointing (not understand). Amy walked slowly along the shelf. Where are the books about animals? When asked Amy. Just want to risk again Peck When she saw something. It is a very old cassette, called "wild the call of". Looked at as if no one has ever played. Ai honey down the tape from the bookshelf. This is part of a series about animal noise. this is the first 12 a magnetic tape, and is called "the hedgehog". Asked Amy.Peck, Can I borrow the tape. "Of course",Peck Mr Said rudely. "Although the want to listen to the voice of people hate animals Hall of fame: all the celebrities take you feel their drive life ma ren li liu shi yuzhu is a madman." Peck Mr To do for the tape box on the tag, said: "Don't forget to finish listen to the tape again pour it will The initial." 2. The hedgehog's conversation Amy. I sat in my room, with her own stereo headphones over and over again listened to the sound of the hedgehog The sound. Amy's repeating myself a hedgehog. "I was talking to a hedgehog, "Amy's thinking. "I'd like to know what they were saying". I really need to a hedgehog to help me. I'm pretty sure there is a in the garden. If I uttered a hedgehog, it They could hear. Ai honey ran into the garden and earth hedgehog sound as much as possible. He paused and then went to listen to, but not a hedgehog response. Amy. Try again. But only one the cat went to the garden. "I will continue to try,"Said Amy."I'm sure I can do it". Finally, Amy's caught a cold, Then went back to the house. The next evening Amy. Try it again. So she insisted on for a week. "What do you do in the outside?"Harris,Wife asked his daughter. "Wait and see", Amy said. Just then, the doorbell rang. To the Peck Mr. He is wearing pajamas stood at the door. Amy's attention to Peck Mr Hair wet." Harris,, Mrs."Peck The Sir Say: "Every night when I take a shower, I will hear A noise. It seems from your garden." Amy smiled luo luo luo whilst placing a hand over your mouth. "Noise?"Harris, Question."" of a kind of animal, Peck The Sir Say: "If I were you, will sprinkle pesticide. This is for The only way to pay for animals." Peck A walk, Amy has rushed into the garden." Peck Mr Think I am an animal", Honey to himself:"I want to try one more time!" Amy knelt down the knee and then start a hedgehog. Almost in an instant, there was a rustling sound, then a hedgehog slowly crawled on the grass on the plateau. Amy was very happy, and the hedgehog hem make each. Suddenly, a beam of torch light to their eyes. "What happened?" A voice said. Turned out to be Peck Sir, still wearing his pajamas. The hedgehog immediately into a ball. "I'm talking to a hedgehog" said Amy. "You're cheeky shameless little thing! In talking to a hedgehog," . "What's the matter-- -- --? "Said Amy. Before Amy say that finish, Peck He interrupted: "Also, the hedgehog is very dirty little monsters, he eat All of the vegetables in the garden!" "Nonsense! "Amy's anger seems to say: "Hedgehog don't dirty, they also do not eat vegetables. They only eat snails and Slugs. Now, if you don't mind, I want to talk to a hedgehog! " Peck Mr Answer shocked to hear that. When Amy. Gently at a hedgehog hum, Peck Big mouth open, then slowly opened. (not understand) From a sly expression Peck Mr Across her face. "My dear, how long have you been doing this" Peck Asked. "Never"Amy said:"But from now on, I will be here every day". "Well..." Peck Said: "You will be here every night, this is what you said.

匿名用户   2016-07-29 13:49