1.那个小女孩很怕蛇 汉译英

匿名用户    2015-07-17 15:56    


1. The girl is very afraid of snakes. 2. We are living in a world full of wonderful things. 3. Looking up into the sky he found that an airplane was passing above. 4. My grandpa can make kites with paper. 5. Swimming in the river is dangerous. 6. This question is too hard, and none of us can answer it. 7. The firemen did their best to put out the blaze. 8. Please be quiet. Our teacher has something important to announce. 9. Can you teach me how to search for the information from internet?

续涵菱_EoQf   2015-07-17 16:05



1 the little girl is afraid of snakes. 2 we live in a world full of magic. 3 he looked up at the sky, and found a plane flying overhead. 4 my grandf...ather will make a kite with paper. 5 it's dangerous to swim in the river. 6 this problem is too difficult, we can not do it. 7 the firemen tried their best to put the fire out. 8 please be quiet, our teacher has important things to say. 9 can you teach me how to search for information on the Internet?

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匿名用户    2015-07-17 16:04

你自己百度 汉译英 直接翻译

匿名用户    2015-07-17 15:57

The little girl is afraid of snakes We live in a world full of amazing things

匿名用户    2015-07-17 15:57