如果有外国朋友抱着他们的小Baby,可别和中国似的,过去就摸小孩子的头,一边摸一边说可爱 外国人最

如果有外国朋友抱着他们的小Baby,可别和中国似的,过去就摸小孩子的头,一边摸一边说可爱。外国人最不喜欢这样。我知道中国有这样的习惯,也有这样的传统,看见朋友的孩子可爱,就想过去抱抱,亲亲,过去摸摸头。在外国,这是让对方很反感的。因为他们不知道你是否有传染病,之前摸过什么,有什么样的细菌。因此,他们会特别保护他们的孩子。 请各位大神帮忙用英语翻译下
匿名用户    2014-05-18 22:41    


If you have foreign friends with their little Baby, don't, and China, in the past and he touched the child's head, said as he touched the cute. Most foreigners don't like it. Have such a habit, I know that China also have such traditional, saw my friend's lovely child, just like the past hug, kiss, touch head in the past. In a foreign country, it really is to let each other off. Because they don't know whether you have infectious diseases, what touched before, what kind of bacteria. As a result, they will be particularly to protect their children.

匿名用户   2014-05-18 23:28