
匿名用户    2008-08-01 18:10    


【Sweet Victory】 The winner takes all, it's the thrill of one more kill, The last one to fall will never sacrifice their will. Don't ever look back on the wind closing in. The only attack were their wings on the wind. Oh, the daydream begins.... And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And it's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight, In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And the world is ours to follow.... Sweet, sweet, sweet victory. 歌卫筝瓦曲评劣下载地址串件: http://www.apmmusic.com/audio/BR/BRU_BR_0292/BRU_BR_0292_07201.mp3 希望我的答案对你能有些帮助

匿名用户   2008-08-09 10:16